Friday, February 22, 2013

:: life, compacted ::

Life recently?

School, school, clinical, school, sleep (on occasion), work, school, school, exercise (NOT), work, work...

... and it is all good. Mostly good, anyway.

Enjoying CRU at college. Studying 1st John and it has been good. I have been so lax about personal Bible reading and it has been challenging and encouraging to share my struggles with other believers. They are helping to keep me accountable. It is very easy to say "I am too busy with homework, etc." and then catch yourself spending an hour on the computer on mindless and completely worthless little things. So it is not that I am too busy but I just need to have my priorities adjusted everyday. :)

Thank you Lord for never giving up on me. I do not deserve You.

I got to visit my great-grandma last weekend... a fringe benefit was driving up and down the Front Range and reveling in the mind-bending beauty of the mountains. She is 102 and failing a bit in the last few months. She called me by the name of her twin sister most of the weekend. That was OK. I was so happy to just spend time with her. What a precious thing to know your great-grandmother, my dad's grandma. Very few girls (not to mention boys) have that privilege.

:: my wonderful Grandma ::

:: we went for a wintry walk last night!! It was fun to get snow gear on for the first time this year ::

:: sisters ::

:: a town is so muffled by a snowfall... everything is quiet, the home-lights are cozy and the men are all out snow blowing. ::

:: the park was deserted, except for two girls who thought they were still kids... ::

:: babysitting... we made cupcakes with sprinkles, edible graffitti and JellyBellies ::

:: <3 ::

:: kiddos ::

It has been hard lately to keep focused on what God has for me in the next day, the next hour, the next minute. I know that He wants me to be a nurse, and after that the future is so foggy. I feel as if I need to SEE-- what will my future hold?-- when really He wants me to trust Him and do what He has for me RIGHT NOW. I find myself searching for jobs and wondering, wondering-- and then I'll search for overseas missions opportunities and get all a-fire about that... constantly unsure about the future. God wants me to trust Him. He has had my future written down, detail by detail, since He turned His mind to the sculpting of my innermost soul. I am far better off to have Him holding my life than myself. How glad I am that I don't have to run this show. It's just the remembering that, and the nitty-gritty, everyday relinquishment of worries and uncertainties that I tend to grip with far too tight a grasp.

God bless everyone!!! :)



  1. Laura, thanks for sharing your heart. I find it very easy to start thinking (and worrying) about the future when I have *this* day to live. I'm always praying that the Lord would help me focus on the here and now that He has given me.

    Fun pictures, too! That's great that you were able to visit your great-grandma. I'm so excited that you have started a blog. :)

  2. Love the blog! and the blog name!!! I remember when Rachel was doing midwifery school, she would take anyone's blood pressure if they would sit still long enough! ;)
    I think I'm moving to more blogging after Sam and I are married....easier to keep up with than facebook, and we don't have internet at the apartment... :)
    I still can't believe that I'm going to get to SEE y in just a few days!!!!!!!!!! :D

  3. Totally relate to you in regards to the future. That's right where God has me right now, just waiting on Him and taking each day at a time. He keeps impressing on my heart to not try to "figure" the future out, but to just trust Him and do the duty that lies nearest with joyful heart! He is so good to me.

    Anyways, I'm beyond thrilled that you have this blog!!! Please don't be like me and keep your blog updated. :D :D Love you, sweetie.

  4. I'm so glad you have a blog, Laura! It'll be so nice to have a peek into your everyday life. And thank you also for sharing what the Lord has been teaching you about trusting the future with Him. That's definitely something that I struggle with as well! It's such a comfort to remember(and I wish I always did) that His plan is perfect and wonderful and just right for each one of us. He is so wise!

    Love you! And again... I'm so glad that you have a blog now! :)
